Demi Lovato Reportedly Checks Herself Back Into Rehab People Call Her A Bully Whos Now Being

Everyone was happy to know that Demi Lovato is doing better these days since she was out of rehab, but it seems that things are not quite like that. She reportedly checked herself back in. The Shade Room has more details on what happened.

TSR writes that ‘A source close to #DemiLovato confirmed she had checked herself back into a rehabilitation center in #Hawaii. We were told she admitted herself last week, shortly after people attacked her on social media for a post she made about the #ICE arrest of #21Savage.’

TSR continues and says that Demi ‘had reportedly been doing well with recovery after she left rehab back in November following three months of treatment. She initially went in after she was hospitalized last July following an overdose at her home.’

TSR asked people to send Demi their prayers, but most of them are not having it. It seems that they cannot get over the fact that Demi was one of the people who made fun of 21 Savage while he was incarcerated.

Someone said ‘Yall prayers ain’t working. Sis needs to get out of Hollywood for good. She is an addict. The wind blowing too hard is enough to push someone back into their addiction.’

Another follower slammed Demi and said ‘People want sympathy when they do wrong or when things go wrong, but they don’t give it to others. Wow, she posted a meme that someone else created? Why you mad at her and not the people that were creating the memes? 🤦🏾‍♀️’

One commenter also seems really upset: ‘Man f**k her! It was so funny to mock someone else’s situation, but we’re supposed to have zo much empathy for her…absolutely not! The jokes about both of them were funny, and if she had been a Black crackhead on the block nobody would give af about laughing at her and be “sending prayers up” it looks like she learned a valuable lesson….it ain’t so funny when the rabbit got the gun.🤷‍♀️’

Someone else wrote ‘I’m sorry, but Demi ain’t did shot to nobody but try to be that white girl invite to the cook out! Leave her alone and let her get the help she needs!💯’

A commenter has this to say: ‘what’s happening to Demi is bullying, what do you call what she was doing to 21 Savage? You can’t BE a bully then cry foul when you get bullied back.’


What are your thoughts on this situation?
