How to easily increase your storage space in Sons of the Forest?

Storage space in survival horror titles like Sons of the Forest presents a recurring predicament. Managing your inventory is a skill that players need to develop if they want to survive in these titles.

Inventory space resembles close to real-life backpack storage. Randomly picking up everything will only bloat your inventory and prove counterproductive in due course of the game.

Fortunately, you can increase the inventory size in Sons of the Forest. With a homebase, you can build additional structures to hold more items. Nonetheless, the essentials that should be your priority while filling your inventory are food, water, weapons, shelter, and more.

Read along to optimize your inventory size to arm yourself with relevant types of equipment.

Increasing your inventory size in Sons of the Forest

Different types of storage units you can craft in the game

Sons of the Forest inventory (Image via Jade PG/

The storage units in Sons of the Forest consist mainly of rock, stick, log, food, and bone storage. The inventory can only hold so many materials at a time. Thus, players will need additional storage space while trundling through the game.

You can bring up the inventory by clicking "I." It has cool LED lights in multiple colors to help you sort out your resources in the dark. Crafted items will also be stored here and can be quickly accessed when needed. There is a range of items you can craft from these items.

These are the different storage types that you can use to store different resources in Sons of the Forest:

  • Stick storage
  • Rock storage
  • Log storage
  • Bone storage
  • Wall shelf storage
  • Shelf storage
  • Drying rack
  • Crafting different storage spaces in Sons of the Forest

    Stick storage

    Crafting with sticks (Image via TagBackTV/

    To craft a stick storage, you will need to refer to the blueprints notebook. Blueprints are handy in the game as they show you how to craft everything. Press B to bring up the blueprints and follow the instructions to build stick storage. The stick storage will allow you to hold additional sticks.

    Rock storage

    To craft storage space to carry extra rocks, you can use blueprints and seven sticks. Right-click on the sticks, and it will show you the number of items you craft with them. Lay down the blueprint and follow the guiding lines to craft rock storage.

    Log Storage

    Logs are an essential material in Sons of the Forest. They can be used to craft cabins, shelters, furniture, and barricades to keep enemies out and rest. You can use the axe from your inventory to chop down trees and gather logs. Kelvin can also be instructed to fill these storage spaces but avoid overwhelming him.

    Bone Storage

    Burn bodies to gather bones (Image via Game Advisor/

    Bones are useful for crafting weapons, armor, furniture, and more. There are ways to acquire bones in Sons of the Forest. The simplest way is to throw dead bodies into a fire. After a few moments, you can collect bones from these bodies.

    They can also be found in caves and cannibal camps. However, gathering bones from cannibal camps can be extremely dangerous. Refer to the blueprints menu and seven sticks to craft extra bone storage. This will allow you to store extra bones in the game.

    Wall shelf

    To craft a wall shelf, you will need two sticks and a log. Creating a wall shelf will let you store your logs and return some of the logs back to you. Bring out the blueprint for the wall shelf and follow the instructions to craft it. Create these at your base and restock them regularly for a steady supply of raw materials.


    Shelves will require two units of logs to craft. As with everything in the game, you can find the schematics for the shelves in the blueprints menu. You can then use them as storage spaces at your base.

    Drying racks

    Drying rack in Son of the Forest (Image via Endnight Games)

    The drying rack is another functional storage unit in Sons of the Forest. They help you store extra amounts of food at your base camps. You can use it to keep your meat and fish fresh for a longer period and provide food for other characters.

    Players habituated with inventory management in The Forest will also find similarities in Sons of the Forest. For beginners, it will take time to get acclimated to the storage mechanics in the game. Place your base camps strategically throughout the map and dismantle temporary resources to move them elsewhere when needed.

    Since the game is yet to reach its full optimization, players might face periodic glitches. Hopefully, the bugs will be fixed soon to provide a smoother experience.

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