Ricky Martin wants to adopt, continental style


I think Ricky Martin has confused continental dining with continental adopting. The hip-shaking, bon bon eating singer has publicly pronounced that he would like to adopt children, “perhaps adopting ‘one from each continent’ if possible.”

“’It’s something we want to begin to create this year, a family of many colors,’ the 35-year-old pop star told reporters Wednesday in Puerto Rico, where he is scheduled to perform this weekend.

“Martin, who isn’t married, said he doesn’t expect special treatment in the adoption process.

“’I want to do it right,’ he said. ‘I don’t want any problems or misunderstandings. … Some think as celebrities we can manipulate the system to have a quicker adoption.’

“Martin, whose hits include ‘She Bangs,’ ‘Shake Your Bon-Bon’ and ‘Livin’ La Vida Loca,’ started the Ricky Martin Foundation to help children in need.”

[From MSNBC]

What the hell does he plan on adopting for Antarctica? A child-sized penguin? He could dress it up with a hat and little red shoes and include it in all the other family activities. Man, that’d be so cute. I would totally support Ricky Martin adopting a penguin. I feel conflicted about this whole celebrity adoption thing. On the one hand, I think a lot of them are doing it for the good publicity. I mean, nannies do most of the child-rearing, so what do they care if they add another kid to the pack? On the other hand, it’s impossible to know another person’s real motivations, and it is great that so many celebs are highlighting international adoption. Ricky Martin has actually done some pretty cool things for kids, so I really can’t make fun of him. Dammit. He’s done a lot of work to put an end to human trafficking and child predators in his native Puerto Rico. That’s a pretty important issue that is definitely not getting enough attention. Alright Ricky Martin, you have a pass on this one. But I expect to see you holding flippers with a penguin and six little children really, really soon.

Picture note by JayBird: Pictures are from Ricky Martin’s performance in Calabria, Italy on July 19, 2007. Images thanks to PR Photos.

